Saturday, March 4, 2017

5 Months

Five Month Stats:
Feedings: Lucy eats cereal or oatmeal in the morning and at night and eats 6oz every 3-4 hours. She does spit up quite a bit and always has.
Sleeping: Lucy is the EASIEST thing to put down at anytime of the day. You lay her down in the rock n' sleep or pack n' play with a snuggly blanket and she grabs it to her face and off she goes. At night however she is still getting up 1-2 times a night. It goes in spurts but currently is 2 times- once between 11-12 and the other between 3-4. She goes to bed at 7:00 each night, its clockwork she gets fussy and we look and sure enough its 7:00. We lay her down and she goes right to sleep no fussying or anything. She is still wearing her snuza and sleeps in our room in the bassinet part of the pack n' play. I am sure she would do great in her crib, but its me, she will be in our room for awhile!
Paci: Still loves her paci!
Eyes: Big and Blue :) 
Hair: Lucy has lost a bit but what she has seems to have quite a curl to it, we will see if that stays, but I love it!
Size: This month she wore 9 month clothes, but will be out of them very soon.  
Favorite Things:  Lucy LOVES the mornings! She loves being talked to. She will smile and Coo and talk back. She will also yell to get our attention, if she is being ignored. She loves Bubble Guppies- especially Bubble Baby and Costume Boxing. She loves watching Rose and whatever crazy thing she is doing. Likes being on her belly. When we put her down she rolls right over and loves playing with her toys especially her snail. She loves the saucer and sitting up- I think she will be sitting up very soon. She tries to sit up in her bouncy seat and rock n' sleep. She loves her Peekaboo Baby book and This Little Piggy... She loves being sung to- Mr. Sun and You are My Sunshine. She loves being held and to snuggle. She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth! She also loves rocking which is my favorite thing to do as well :)
New Things She Does: Lucy can grab her paci and put it back in her mouth. She can roll over and grab her piggies. 

Lucy is such a happy baby and  has always been. She rarely cries and will whine/yell when she is hungry or tired. Once we give her a bottle or put her down she is fine. She is so smiley and oh so sweet! One of my favorites is getting her ready for bed. I put her on our bed to change her diaper, put her snuza on, and sleep sack. While doing this she is smiling so big, laughing, and talking. She is SO very happy, but then when I kiss and lay her down she is out. Its magic! We are so in love with this super sweet girl!

I love her crazy hair!

We love you sweet girl!!

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