This was the scariest moment and night of my life. I ran an errand at 7:00pm one Wednesday night and got a phone call from Kevin to hurry home because something wasn't right with Lucy and that he was calling 911. That was all I got, as I ran out the store and rushed home I just kept praying and praying that my sweet baby was okay. Thankfully when I got home she was in Kevin's arms. She had glassy eyes and a temperature at this point, but seemed to be doing okay. Kevin explained that she let out a scream and then had her eyes closed and wouldn't/couldn't open them for about 3 minutes. She was breathing the whole time but he said she had a difficult time keeping her head up. When the paramedics got there she was running a little temperature and they thought it was possibly a fever induced seizure. We took her to the ER and waited and waited. We got there at 8:30pm and walked out at 6am the next morning. After 3 hours we were finally called back to a room. They did every possible thing to our little Lucy. It was AWFUL seeing her poked and poked. They took blood work, had to get a urine sample by catheterizing her- this was terrible, did a chest x-ray, CT scan, swabbed for the flu, and spinal tap. All she wanted to do was sleep and they kept coming in and doing more and more awful things to her :( Thankfully the only thing that came back was pneumonia from her chest x-ray. We left with no answers, but felt better by ruling out about everything possible. I haven't been able to really leave her since other then to work and at home she goes where ever I go. I love this little girl so much. I still can't help but think about the phone call I received and the panic and worry that immediately set in and then watching her go through a night of hell. As I often run through this night I am just so thankful for this beautiful baby and of course Miss Rose too and am trying my hardest to not take these precious gifts for granted. Living in the present each day with them.
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