Saturday, January 3, 2015

Potty Training Take 1

Over my break we decided to get Rose a potty and just see how she did with it. We talked a lot about it beforehand and she was very excited to pick one out herself. She is very indecisive (like her mommy :) She first had the Minnie potty in our cart, but as we walked away and continued shopping she changed her mind to the princess one and had us go back to switch. While we were in the aisle she changed again to Elmo and then settled on a fisher price smiley face one. She loved the noises and pushing the handle down.
When we got home she could not wait to sit on her potty. She sat and sat and nothing. She sat and sat later and still nothing. She then decided it would be better if the potty was for her baby. The next day I told her she could have an M&M or oreo if she went potty on the potty. She ignored me, but 30 minutes later asked for oreos. I told her only if she went potty. She went into the bathroom dragged her potty out and told me to put it away. I asked her where do you want mommy to put it? She told me back in the box! So much for this potty training thing! We will be waiting until Summer to try again!

So excited to get her potty!

So many choices!

It was fun at first!

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