Monday, January 26, 2015

Oh Hair

I can't believe how Rose's hair has grown! We were just looking back at my blog a year ago and she had hardly any. Now I need to pull it back or it looks crazy messy, however we usually go with crazy messy on weekends.

Sleeping Beauty

Baby Love

This summer and even fall Rose was not very interested in babies or anyone younger then her, she wanted nothing to do with them. She has been doing much better and even asked a few times to hold Olivia. She said she wanted to hold Cora too, but then changed her mind. She did go up to Nash and was telling him how lions roar <3 She has even warmed up to Uncle Eric. She pulled him into poppy's office to watch Barney Egg with her. We had so much fun with all of the babies this weekend!

I had to attempt a few pictures of this happy happy girl!

I Just...

Always so so sweet! When I try telling Rose no or to stop doing something she doesn't throw a fit but says... I just playing (When I try getting her out of the bath) I just making you a picture (when I told her we only draw on paper not the walls) I just jumping in muddy puddles (When I asked her to stop jumping) I just watching eggs (When I try to get the IPAD out of her hands). I will take the I just any day over yelling no at me :)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Barre Love!

I started doing Barre in July and haven't stopped since. It is an amazing workout and is such a positive atmosphere. This school year I have yet to complain about my weight while getting ready, Kevin is happy about that perk, but not so much the getting up at 4:45 to get ready. 
They have Barre Date Nights once a month and Kevin and I have been to a couple now. I can't believe I got him to go, but it was so fun doing the workout with him! We are already planning on going next month with our friends. 

Big Girl Bed!

After Rose hopped on the couch by herself and successfully took a nap (without getting down and running around) we thought we would try taking the railing off her crib to make it a big girl bed. It was getting harder to put her down- she didn't want to rock and wanted in her bed, but then would scream and cry and want out. The first week went great at putting her down. We read several books and said our prayers (I ask Rose who she wants to pray for and she ALWAYS says Tyler, Tracie, Laney, Luke and when I ask her if there is anyone else she will repeat them and at times say other people in the family) and I laid on the floor for a few minutes until she was out. We kept her door open and ours. Sure enough between 12 and 2 in the morning Miss Rose would be strolling into our bedroom. I just threw her in our bed and would let her finish sleeping there. 
Yesterday we got her a pretty bedspread and pillows that she was very excited about! (pictures of that to come later) I bought her a bubble guppies toy that she could only open if she stayed her in room all night long. She slept with the toy (unopened) and sure enough she slept in her room the whole night! I checked on her at 5am and she was hunched over with her stomach and head on the bed and her feet on the floor, almost like she was considering getting out but really wanted her toy! We will see how tonight goes :)

Snow Days

I'm hoping that we are now done with snow days! It was very nice to spend a couple extra days with Rose. I loved the extra snuggle and play time with my silly girl! 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hot Chocolate

Today was a cold, cold day! Single digits ALL day long! After I picked Rose up I told her I wanted hot chocolate to warm up. She said that she wanted hot chocolate too, so thats what we did :) I can't wait and yet I can (she is growing up too fast) for the days when she wants to get a pedicure too or actually want to go shopping with me. I so love spending time with my little miss!

Sunday, January 4, 2015


I am so glad I captured Rose in the midst of jumping, she is always jumping on everything from couches, to beds, to just on the floor, and now her bounce house. I love her sweet sweet smile here :)

Being Home

I am so thankful that I am a teacher and have long breaks off that I can spend with Rose. These little doses though make me wish I could stay home with her everyday. Its a good thing that I do absolutely love teaching, my school, and my sweet sweet kiddos. I am looking forward to seeing all of their faces on Tuesday, but will miss hanging out with my own little Miss!

Rose is quite the talker and already has a great imagination! She just doesn't stop and is chit chatting through all of her play. She loves playing in her bounce house and has made it her little fort. She loves having tea parties in there, jumping in muddy puddles, putting mommy to sleep, and taking her many toys inside with her. She loves to color and always wants me to trace her hand. She LOVES the stamps Kathleen sent her and did such a great job with her finger prints and stamping. 

She loves to help me do things and always says I help you with putting the dogs away to making breakfast and cleaning.

I would love to know what goes on inside her head sometimes. At times she is so random. We were getting ready to go to the store. I didn't tell her where we were going but just that we were leaving. She is all bundled up and ready to go and looks at me and says going to Karens? I don't know where this came from it had been a week since we were there. And yesterday while we were in the car she put her hood over her face and said look I have a Ski mask, how does she even know what this is? 

Rose has become quite the know it all and tells mommy when she is wrong. I was showing her the stamps and said look a doggy and oh look another doggy. She said in a stern voice no its a kitty cat, and well she was right. She was watching cars and kept telling me we were watching what I thought she was saying was Major and she kept saying No Mater I repeated Major and she said again No Mater! 
She also enjoys helping mommy clean. She loves taking wipes and wiping everything down.

Yesterday she sat down and said I am going to tell you a story. She said Once Upon a Time three bears and then something about Super Why and then looked up at me and said you like my story?? I just thought really? Is this not the cutest thing! 

The things I will miss most about being home each day with Rose are the random hugs and I love yous and cuddles. She is one sweet girl!
The doggy stamp

The kitty cat stamp

Stamping away
 Bounce house fun! Mommy always has to come it and if I don't, Come on Mommy! Come in my bounce house with can I resist that?

This was another little fort she made for herself

She told me she was coloring a rocket ship for Peppa

Had just as much fun wiping it up

Always cuddled up with me or on my back

Look at her cute pony tail :)

Rose's Special Bed

Rose took her changing pad and brought it to our bedroom and said it was her special bed. She had a little pillow and her Minnie blanket. She constantly cracks me up with the things she says and comes up with.