Tuesday, May 7, 2013

6 Sweet Months

Rose from April 4th- May 4th you...

Started sitting up! You prefer this way to laying down and will play and play with your toys all day long!
Weigh 19.5 pounds
Continue to roll over when you are reaching for something
Started scooting on your bottom while sitting up. You swing your arms back and scoot its the cutest thing.
Have started to really notice Ron. You love looking at him and petting him.
You are wearing 9 month and 12 month clothes!
Are still eating 6 ounces every 4 or so hours
Are  loving your cereal and baby food, especially fruit. You are not so sure about the vegetables.
Mimic me when I blow raspberries or make a high pitch noise
Still get up once a night
Love going on walks
LOVE watching Barney, Mickey Mouse, and anything on Disney Jr. You really get this from mommy. I guess I watched too much TV while I was pregnant. You stare at the TV, laugh, and talk to Barney and Mickey.
You are a great whiner and rarely cry.
Swing your arm while I'm feeding you or you are trying to go to sleep.
EVERYTHING goes into your mouth!
Love playing with the IPAD I downloaded a few baby apps and you like those, but really just like tapping it and watching as the screen changes. When I have the IPAD you whine for it.
Love our phones and the remote controller- Your favorite toys aren't toys!
Jump like crazy in your jumper seat at mammam's and grandma's house.
Still love your baths, jungle, and bouncy seat.
Are still teething, we are waiting for a tooth to finally poke out-I think it will happen any day now
Started using a sippy cup, you mostly just play with it
Laugh and talk to mommy and daddy
Reach your arms out for me...I so love this!! It makes my heart melt every time you do it.
Get so excited to see mommy and daddy in the morning or after work. You smile right away and swing your arms with excitement.
Had your first 1/2 Birthday! A tradition we were excited to start!

My happy happy girl!

So serious

Someone had a lot to say...

Happy 1/2 Birthday!

I can't believe you are already 1/2 a year old! The time has gone by so quickly! You are the greatest gift I have ever been given and I thank God everyday for you. I love watching you grow and change each day as you discover new things and new things you can do. I love your dark brown eyes and beautiful smile. You make everyday amazing and fun! I knew my life would change when I had kids, but I never knew how truly amazing and wonderful it would be. You are so happy and sweet and I am so lucky to spend each day with you. I love when you hold your arms out for me or hold on to me tight. I love when we are sitting and playing and turn to me with your arms wide open and fall into me, like you are giving me a hug. I love you so much! Happy 6 months sweet girl!

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