Sunday, November 26, 2017

Karen's Village

Rose had so much fun helping Karen plug all of her villages in! She even got to sing Happy Birthday to Sean!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Lidsey Stirling

We were SOO excited to get this CD! It is amazing! My students have also enjoyed listening to her songs during our transitions. It is the most perfect Christmas CD.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Happy Birthday Mammam!

We had so much fun surprising mammam for her 70th birthday! It was so nice having everyone together and celebrating Kay for the whole day/night. Mammam is amazing and does so much for everyone! We hope she had a wonderful birthday!

Thursday, November 23, 2017


We hosted the Herrity family for Thanksgiving this year. I loved having everyone at my house, and having everyone all in town and together. This was the first Thanksgiving I did not go anywhere else, just my house. It was nice, but I also missed my other traditions. I definitely took for granted and often complained about having to go to three places each holiday, and yet now I would give anything to have one for Thanksgiving or Christmas at my Grandma Moore's. It was neat to have my family gathered around the very same table we did at my grandma's for so many years. I am so thankful I have quite a few pieces of her home in mine. We had a wonderful time, Rose and Lucy loved getting to spend so much time with her cousins.