Monday, November 21, 2016

1 Month

One Month Stats:
Feedings: Lucy is eating Similac Sensitive.  She is eating 4 oz. every 2 1/2-3 hours.
Sleeping: Lucy sleeps ok and inconsistent.  Most nights she wakes up at the 3 hour mark to eat and then stares up at me when she is finished, it takes some time to get her back to sleep. She sleeps in a pack-n-play right next to my bed in the napper part. I feel like she sleeps ALL day long!
Paci: Yes, she likes her paci.  She is not very good at keeping it in her mouth.  She likes to have the paci when she is crying and it often helps her fall asleep. She often fights me though while I am trying to get it in her mouth, by swatting her hands at me. She likes the Mam brand while her sister loved Nuk.
Size: This month she wore newborn and is now wearing 0-3 month clothes, but will be out of them very soon.  
Other Details: Lucy seemed super uncomfortable and in pain at time in the evening. She would be snuggled up and then just cry out. The doctor recommended Mylcon and it has helped. We even switched to generic and she was fussy again so we switched right back to the name brand- who knows if that was actually it.  She loves to cuddle and for me to hold her. 
Favorite Things: Lucy loves the bath and to snuggle. Lucy LOVES the mornings! I can often get her to grin and smile :)  She does not like being alone and does not like her rainforest jungle mat.

I am loving being a stay at home mommy for the time being with Lucy and Rose. We have been going on play dates once a week with Mila and Ella and have spent a lot of days cuddled up. My favorite time is putting Rose down for a nap. We all 3 snuggle together and I just love having my two girls cuddled up. I can't express enough how much I love getting to spend every moment of each day with them.

Lucy Kay we love you so much sweet girl! 

She loves to do this with her lips :)

This shoot put her to sleep

And then made her mad!

So Happy!


I LOVE how much Rose loves to read! She read, and literally was telling a story to Lucy the other day. She really is the BEST big sister and just look at Lucy looking and listening to her, such sweet sisters! 

Quiet Time

I told Rose we were just going to have quiet time because it was too late for a nap. She asked if she could read books and I said of course! I checked on her a few minutes later and she had gathered all her dollies and was reading them a story :) It was the sweetest!

Monday, November 14, 2016

2am Smiles

After Lucy's 2am feeding the other night she was bright eyed and smiling like crazy! I never mind waking up at all hours to see and feed this sweet sweet face! 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Newborn Picture

I am so in love with our newborn pictures! I am so thankful to have my whole family captured. I love my sweet family so much! These two girls have my whole heart.