I walked into daycare to get Miss Rose yesterday and guess who was in the office this time…My sweet Girl!!! Apparently she threw toys (on purpose) and hit a total of 5 kids. She then took two toys and hit a friend that was sitting on the carpet. She told me what happened in the cutest little voice like it was no big deal…I threw a dinosaur, roar! At Caydance. I had to try so hard not to break and smile or laugh at her, her face just looked so sweet and innocent...To punish her we did not let her have any sweets which was practically torturing her! When we came inside from playing she asked for a popsicle, no Rose you threw toys at your friends today you do not get a popsicle. Then she asked for an ice cream bar, no Rose you threw toys at your friends today you do not get an ice cream bar. Then apple sauce, Rose you already had an apple sauce. Then toast and jelly, no Rose you threw toys at your friends today you do not get toast and jelly. Then her Easter Basket, no Rose you threw toys at your friends today you do not get any candy- she had had enough she said to me - STOP TALKING STOP TALKING as she is whining and crying! I looked at Kevin and he just said hmm I wonder where she gets her attitude from…
Kevin noted that clearly all of her requests showed that she wanted something sweet! We did not starve her, she did have dinner :)
How could this sweet face cause any trouble??