Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day!

I had a wonderful mother's day! It started with breakfast with my mom and Kevin's mom and then pedicures. Later Kevin, Rose, and I went to ND to feed the ducks and walk around. Kevin made a wonderful dinner and bought me beautiful flowers. It was an absolute perfect day spent with my family<3

I am so thankful for my wonderful mom. Thank you for all of your love and support and for showing me how to be a mommy.

Pointing to the duckies 

I am beyond blessed to be this girl's mommy!
And she decided to eat the bread instead...

Love Love Love

We took Rose to the Grotto for the first time. As we were walking I told Rose we were going to see Jesus' mom, Mary. When we were kneeling and praying she kept saying Mary, Mary, Mary. Melt my heart, she actually stayed and knelt and prayed with me. We then went and lit a candle together <3 This will always be a very special place for our family- this is where Kevin proposed :)

Thought this was appropriate, neither of us looking


So silly!

Trying to Blow...

My Cuddle Buddy <3 <3 <3

There is nothing like being a mom. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful, fun, loving daughter. There are really no words to describe the love I have for her and the amount of joy she brings into our lives.

Monday, May 5, 2014

18 Months

This weekend I attempted to take Rose's 18 month pictures. I wanted 3 black and white pictures for my basement project so that was my goal. I was going to just order ones from her one year shoot, but I couldn't believe how much she has changed and how much her hair has grown so I thought I would try. I am super happy with how they turned out. We practiced smiling and saying cheese at the house, but Rose forgot everything we worked on when we got there. She was so excited about being outside and was just busy busy busy. Daddy got a few smiles out of her by dancing and singing some Barney songs (best daddy ever!)

Rose at 18 months you...
  • Say anything and everything! It is crazy the vocabulary you have and the things you repeat. You have repeated ambulance, bison, bicycle, and any words form your animal/things app clear as day. My favorite word you say is medicine
  • I love the way you answer with the sweetest okay and a sweet no when we ask you things
  • You hate bed time, but still love rocking with mommy
  • You love to color, paint, and play with stickers (You will ask to do these things while we are downstairs)
  • Love being outside
  • Dance and sing to Mr. Sun, Airplane, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row Row your Boat, Ring Around the Rosie, and Silly Hat
  • Get a little whiny every now and then, but still so thankful for very little to no tantrums (mommy and Aunt Tracie joke that you are a little her and Laney me with her sassy personality) 
  • Communicate what you want- You will say Barney Airplane and that means you don't just want Barney on but the airplane part (you may be a little demanding...) You tell us what you want to eat, usually it is apple sauce another word clear as day you say.
  • Love to cuddle and will ask to cuddle...its the cutest thing you will go cuddle cuddle and hold your hands up to me
  • Are going through a bit of a mommy phase. When you wake up in the morning or if we just get home you only want mommy to hold and cuddle with you.
  • When you want me to hold you, you will say hold you hold you
  • Weigh 26 pounds and are wearing a range of 18-2T clothes. I do not know how tall you are, but I feel like you have gotten so big!!
  • Hold the phone up and act like you are talking usually it is to daddy, poppy, or pappap.
  • Love to play hide and seek. Just last week you started to hide and will go in the same places mommy hides :) You will ask to play this by saying hide hide...
  • When we ask you what your name is you say Rosie (I think they call you Rosie at school)
  • You love putting your babies and mommy to bed. You make us turn face down and put a blanket on our back and pat us.
  • Just this weekend have started watching Curious George, Thank the Lord!! Mommy and Daddy were seriously Barneyed out!! 
  • Have an amazing memory. I will tell you someone in a picture one time and you totally remember it or I will tell you where we are going and who we are seeing and when I open the car door you immediately say poppy or park or where ever we are at!
  • Had Croup for the first time, not fun!
  • You know the color words, however if I ask you what color something is you always answer green no matter what color it actually is :)

I love these eyes!

Happy 18 months sweet girl! You have filled our life with so much joy and so much love!

One and a Half

Yesterday my sweet girl turned one and a half. I can't take this growing up thing. As I am loving and taking in each stage it is still almost sad to see my baby getting so big. 

Yes we celebrate 1/2 birthdays at this house. My plan was to make 1/2 of a cake and make Rose's favorite meal for dinner. Well it turns out her favorite meal is sweets/cake so we let her start dinner with that. She helped me make it and also the frosting. When I was frosting it she was dying to eat it. She kept yelling eat eat cake seat, so we gave in and let her dig in :)

Check out her crazy bed head!