Friday, April 25, 2014


I could not be happier with our daycare. Rose has the best teachers and does such neat things. Here she is painting away :)

Trying to get the camera...

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter

This weekend our little miss got croup! It must be something about holidays because she was also sick for Christmas. She must not be in Herrity/Moore/Clifford/Farthing holiday shape yet and trying to get out of the many pictures she knows I will take :)  She totally scared us Friday night with a barking cough, but after steroids from the doctor on Saturday that seemed to go away. We were just left with an on again off again temp, still no fun!

Even though Rose was sick we still had a great weekend. Colleen and the girls were in town as well as Scotch, Sara, and Sara's sister Ashley. We had so much fun with everyone and love when the whole family can get together. We are so blessed with such a fun loving family.

We had such a wonderful Easter! Rose was quite spoiled with lots of Easter baskets and love from her grandparents :)

This was the first year I attempted to decorate my house for Easter. 

My mom thinks this tree came from my grandma, I LOVE it!

Still so in love with my chalkboard!
Croup did not get in the way of coloring a few Easter eggs. She did awesome! She loved dropping the dye in and watching it fizz, coloring the eggs, and dropping the eggs in the dye.

This was all her, I totally agree sad face for croup!!

 Lets paint our tummy...

Her beautiful egg! I wish I could keep this forever, I was kicking myself I didn't buy plastic type ones she could color

Loved dropping them in

so silly

Sure enough it fell...

Easter Morning 
Best part of her Easter Basket

So disappointed mommy and daddy did not put candy or money in her eggs, maybe next year...

So pretty!

My mom would ALWAYS make us take a picture on our porch steps, we had to give it a try

An attempted cousin picture

Attempted family pictures

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Rose has had a lot of sweets (too many!) and tons of bites of mine and loves them. Tonight we gave her, her own fudgesicle (Possibly so we could eat dinner in peace :) She loved it and had tons of fun playing in it as well. It was at least a 1pt skinny cow fudge bar :)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Aunt Shelby

Rose and I spent the day with Aunt Shelby yesterday. We had so much fun playing at the park, going to target, and getting ice cream. Rose really missed Aunt Shelby after she left and was saying her name all night long. We caught a little video :)

Thank You!

Thank you for your love, cuddles, kisses, smiles, laughter, and for being so sweet <3 I have been so blessed to be your mommy. You make my heart melt each day by your sweet voice and big hugs. Tonight I was putting you to bed, rocking you, when you looked right up at me and said kiss.. my heart just melted. You are 100% sweet and lovable. I'm so thankful for your sweet sweet personality and pray you always remain this way. I feel your love every moment of the day and hope you know how loved you are. 

I post this picture as a reminder to savor each day each moment with you and to not worry about a clean house, lesson plans, graded papers, or striving for make my life perfection (and daddy too) you and your love is what matters most!

Arizona Part 4

We had the most amazing time in Arizona! We had wonderful weather and great company with my grandma and grandpa! It was so nice to get away from our busy lives, terrible weather, and our jobs and just be us and together for a week. The time sure flew by!

Thank you so much grandma and grandpa for everything! We had the best time! We miss and love you!

Love Love Love this! This was all I wanted- a great family picture- Thank you grandpa you did an awesome job!!!

We were on our way to the pool and I asked Rose to get her hat, this is the hat she put on.... rather than her pink polka-dot one...

Nosey Rosie! She kept going up to everyone at the pool and stared at them and would tell them  who her mommy was. 

Finally loving the water, the last day of course! She loved walking on the steps, splashing, and making bubbles. She loved telling everyone around her she was making bubbles.

Look at that face

Walking all around

 Best Pals- Great Grandma and Rose :)

Deep in conversation with great grandma...


I'm gonna get you....

Ring Around the Rosie

Row Row Row your boat