Thursday, January 30, 2014


I love Rose's love for books. I hope she always loves them. She brings one after the other for us to read and enjoys reading them herself. It is so cute watching her read them and remember how I read them to her. 

As she was reading this one she said moo moo knock knock...

 As she was reading this one she kept saying pat a cake pat-a-cake...

Loving My Girl!

I'm so sad our snow days have ended for the time being. I love every minute of being with Rose. My favorite moments are her snuggles on the couch when she is tired, when she walks up to me and gives me a huge hug, listening to her talk and sing, and just being able to spend all day with her. She is the sweetest!

This was 20 minutes of entertainment putting her zebra and ducks in and out of the bus opening and closing the door to it.


Loves stuffing the microwave

As she presses the buttons she says beep, beep, beep. Ignore her exploding laundry basket our washer is broken.

Working so hard to stand these up.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Say Cheese...


Rose played and played with this blanket forever today. She did peek-a-boo with her, mommy, and her baby. She wrapped her baby up in it and we used it as a parachute. I love how we always have so much fun and Rose is so happy no matter what she is playing with. 

The Wheels on the Bus/ Petting Zoo

Kevin downloaded a couple of apps on his phone and iPad that Rose is obsessed with! Anytime she sees Kevin holding his phone  or the iPad she says bus bus and holds out her hands for it. She insists on holding it, but almost instantly touches something to make her song and the bus or animals go away, so she holds it up to us saying either bus bus or doggie doggie. 
Reaching up for the iPad

LOVES the doggie!

On the petting zoo app a fish appears, here is Rose's fishy face :)

Check out Rose's seat...

Bus Bus

Laundry Basket Rides

Well it is too cold to go outside so we decided to have some fun with a laundry basket inside. Rose LOVED being pushed in it and even wanted to push her baby in it as well. She laughed and laughed and kept saying again again. This is what being home for 7 days in a row looks like, we got a little desperate, but Miss Rose had a blast!

Where's Rose?


She wanted to push her baby.


With 5 snow days in a row, yes 5, Rose and I have definitely caught up on our snuggle time not to mention bumming it out in a our pjs all day long.

Messy Eater

Recently Rose has insisted on using a spoon and feeding herself. She usually does a pretty good job, especially with yogurt, but always very messy!

When she can't get anymore she will hold it up and say help help, cutest thing ever!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So Much Fun!

Rose got this sweater out of her closet and gave it to us to put on. Kevin's cousin got it for her in Luxembourg. All we play with these days are books. Rose will bring us one after the other to read. One book had this cute riddle with slowly slowly very slowly and then quickly quickly very quickly. Rose was cracking up each time I said it. She is so much fun! I am so thankful I got another whole week off  to hang out with her :)